
Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Trip to the Mountains

Two days after getting home from the Little People’s Conference Dave was having a vision surgery and I didn’t want Anya around, based on her response to others’ pain and her ability to create her own pain crisis when someone else is hurt. So, we shipped her off to my sister’s for the night. The day after that I took her to the Sierra Nevadas to Hume Lake to visit Dave’s brother’s family.

She actually had swimmer’s ear from swimming 2-3 times a day, for days, and it must have turned into an infection. Her fever had broken and she told me her ear didn’t hurt anymore, but later during the 6 hour drive, I realized she had a fever again. This was an incredibly quiet ride for me due to her sleeping through a great deal of it! Even though she wasn’t feeling well, she handled this trip up the mountains a million times better than when we brought her there for Christmas only three weeks after arriving in America! What a difference an additional 6 months has made.

The four days we were there she was pretty out of it, but it was a good place to relax and work through her pain, both physical and emotional. The earache brought back early memories of pain and being alone in her pain. Took a few days to work through it.  She gets several weeks to relax at home now…as we wait for…HER FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!!!


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