
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Charlie Brown Mama.

I just got kicked out of the park by my 12 year old. Yes, my 12 year old daughter who had only been in the country, what-maybe 7 weeks?! She wanted to go on a walk and I questioned her as to where she wanted to go so as not to impose on friends, like the last time when halfway through the walk she wanted to see if my friend was home. So, this time, I called the friend, who was sick, but most of her children had just gone to the park which is five houses away from ours. So, I told Anya and she went to go the park alone, which I told her she couldn’t, so she waited for me to change. Off we went. Three minutes later she is running down the hill at the park calling the kids’ names yelling in Russian/English “Come on! Come on! It’s me! It’s me!”

There I am standing around with Anya and seven other kids who are between 11 and 14 (I know and trust all of them and their parents). Anya looks at me and motions for me to leave. I told her I wasn’t going to just leave and have them babysit her, but they offered to look after her. She adamantly insisted that I look. She began a tirade…He is a kid, she is a kid, I am a kid (all with exaggerated hand motions and in Russian) and you Mama, are NOT. Please you are embarrassing me.

So, dejected I left, walking away like Charlie Brown when he has no friends. She told me to go home and sleep and I thought that might not be a bad idea!! A little sleeping, a little blogging, ahh what’s a Mama to do with all her free time?

Anya’s haircut was a real treat to her. She laughed as Dave got his hair washed, saying he was sleeping when he closed his eyes and she did the same thing when it was her turn. She acted like she was being pampered and walked away with the new phrase, “smells good.” Not the initial chemicals which she “foo, fooed”, but the lotion in her hair. She also loved the whole Happy Birthday thing. Some friends taught her the birthday song the night before and one of them didn’t understand part of what she was saying and asked, “Is that Danish?!” So now she sings Happy Birthday Danish as the last line of the song.
 Enjoying the haircut with her eyes closed here as well.

 Mom, enough with the pictures already.


  1. Great haircut! She is quite a character! Our best to you all. Love reading your blog :-)

  2. Kasia-can't wait to see the rest of the haircuts to keep is styled as it grows out. She is still feeling it saying, "bolshoy". Thanks for your comments and for the wisdom to let Anya know America isn't shamed by different people. It will help immensely!
